Windows update settings keep resetting
Windows update settings keep resetting

I also have a habit of opening multiple notepad windows containing temporary notes for an article or the like that are never meant to be saved that get lost in these cases.

windows update settings keep resetting

Many a time I’ve been working on some article or piece of software and I take a break to go get a snack, only to come back and see my computer has automatically restarted, losing a portion, or sometimes all of my work. Sure, they have a “postpone” button that pops up, but that does little good if you happen to step away from your computer when it pops up to inform you it’s about to restart. There are few more annoying default settings than Windows’ developers choosing to have the default on Windows Update be to automatically restart your computer and further not providing any obvious way to disable auto-restarts after a Windows update.

windows update settings keep resetting

You should know how to prevent Windows Update from automatically restarting your computer.

Windows update settings keep resetting